Criminal Justice Advocate Allegedly Planted Loaded Weapons and Ammunition in Davidson County Detention Center Under Construction


Nashville authorities continue to investigate the case of Alex Friedmann, a criminal justice advocate and former convict who allegedly planted loaded weapons and ammunition inside a Davidson County correction facility currently under construction.

Sheriff Daron Hall said Friedmann’s initial charges included attempted burglary, evidence tampering, and possession of burglary tools at the Downtown Detention Center, according to the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page Wednesday.

“Since that time, the criminal investigation has continued. Last night at approximately 9:30, Alex Friedman was booked into the Davidson County jail on a Class A Felony vandalism charge with a $2.5 million bond. The bond amount in this case is one indication of the seriousness of his actions,” according to the sheriff’s Facebook page.

“Understand, this plan went far beyond vandalism. Ultimately, it included planting various tools, weapons, and security equipment throughout this facility – all designed to assist in a massive escape plan. Mr. Friedmann, a former convict and self-described criminal justice advocate, planted loaded guns with additional ammunition inside this detention center. Keep in mind, staff working inside a detention center is never armed. Let me be very clear – he also put every inmate at risk, every visitor at risk, and he put the entire community in jeopardy.”

Friedmann is now at the Tennessee Department of Correction, authorities said.

According to the Nashville-based NewsChannel 5, Friedmann has spent the past 15 years advocating for criminal justice issues.

“He took up the cause after he was sentenced to 10 years in prison on an assault charge. Since his 1999 release he’s written legal journals and pushed prison-reform policy, including testifying on Capitol Hill and at the Tennessee State Capitol and even speaking with NewsChannel 5 about prison safety concerns,” the station reported.

“Friedmann, according to his resume, was editor of the Prison Legal News, a monthly publication run by the Human Rights Defense Center.”

According to the Human Rights Defense Center’s 2015 Annual Report, Friedmann claimed to have participated in conference calls with Bernie Sanders’ staff that year on a bill pertaining to the private prison industry. The bill, the Justice is Not for Sale Act, would have banned all private prisons.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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3 Thoughts to “Criminal Justice Advocate Allegedly Planted Loaded Weapons and Ammunition in Davidson County Detention Center Under Construction”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Give this guy the criminal justice he deserves. If guilty lock him up and throw away the key.

  2. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    Maybe he can spend his down time working on the cashless bail movement.

  3. Rick

    Prosecute this piece of trash to the full extent of the law. Put him away permanently.
